Month: August 2009

  • Cloth or disposable diapers?

    My sister in law is about to have her first baby. She was asking me my thought on cloth diapers or disposable. I was hands down voting for disposable. This is what I did with both my kids. I couldn't imagine not using them. However, I have now really reconsidered today. I found a great store here in Fayetteville, Terra Tots
    The store caught my eye with all different colored diaper covers hanging in the window. I have been looking for something like this to use with my baby photo sessions. I was so excited to find them! The woman there were so great. They took the time and showed me all of the options on every type of cloth diapers they have. These are not you mom's cloth diapers with the old time diaper clips. They are made out of bamboo, hemp, wool, cotton just to name a few. I loved them so much I bought three for my sister in law to try out and see what she thinks. These are amazing! You need to go to there website or the store and check them out.
    I will be featuring several diaper covers when I do 3-6 month photo sessions. I have a brown with pink polka dots for girls and a brown with blue polka dots for boys. I am also having a white one custom made with a razorback on it. The photos will be so cute!

  • Christina and Tony's Engagement Session

    I had so much fun with Christina and Tony for there engagement session. They are having there reception at a 100 year old cotton mill right outside of Dallas. They love it so much they wanted to have there engagement photos done there. My head was spinning with ideas for photo ops. I have to save something for the wedding. They were so great to work with! Congratulations! Can't wait for your big day!

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  • Scott and Kate's Wedding

    Scott and Kate has a storybook wedding in Dallas, Texas.  Their wedding was held at Marie Gabrielle's restaurant in downtown.  They have a exquisite garden right outside the door.  Guests were escorted out to there seats to enjoy the wedding under a canopy of trees.  Guests were amazed with the floral design by SK Designs.  The bride was announced with a bag pipe as her father took her down the isle.  When the vows had been exchanged everyone moved inside for a evening of dinner and dancing.  Congratulations Decker's!